Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Reading Review Week

(Image Information: A live look-in of me dozing
off to the Brer Rabbit unit)
The reading diaries in this class have been quite useful to me each week when I do my storytelling. Because I worked ahead early in the semester, sometimes I take a longer break than normal between the reading diaries and the storytelling. Since I always summarize the stories that stood out the most to me in my reading diaries, it is easy for me to read over those and then decide which story I want to base my storytelling off of.
As I mentioned above, I mostly do a lot of summarizing on the reading diaries. They wouldn’t be very interesting to anyone else that read them, but they’re very helpful for my work in this class.
My favorite reading so far would probably be between the Tales of Bidpai and Brer Rabbit. I guess I just really like reading about anthropomorphised animals. The Brer Rabbit unit was different because I used the audio recordings and just followed along with them. Which was actually very relaxing; I might’ve fallen asleep a time or two.

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