Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Writing Review Week

(Image Information: A really cute cat has appeared!)
At the beginning of this class, I was nowhere near the average (borderline crappy) writer that I was in my prime. Being a Biochemistry major, the most writing I do is for lab reports, so I hadn’t done any writing analysis or creative writing for a long time. After about three of four weeks in this class, I evolved from a child who was just learning to write the alphabet to a pretty crappy writer (sort of evolving from a magikarp into another magikarp). Now, I can comfortably say that I am a very middle-of-the-pack, mediocre writer. Maybe by the end of all of this I’ll be a beautiful gyarados… or maybe just a shiny magikarp… or just anything better than a magikarp.
Between the weekly essay, storytelling, and the project, there are plenty of writings to do in this class, so there are plenty of opportunities to improve your trade and try to catch them all (not really a relevant reference, but now I just have pokemon on my mind). It’s also really helpful to get feedback from fellow students and the teacher. Anyways, this class has really been valuable to my return to mediocre writing ability, so I appreciate that. Togepi.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi,
    I think it’s really cool that you’re a biochemistry major taking such a writing intense course. Even if you won’t necessarily use this kind of writing in your field, it will still be so helpful and allow you to be creative which can be hard in such a demanding major like yours. Like you, I tend to focus on the aspects of the story I liked a lot. I want to give positive feedback and let others know that their writing is compelling and keeps the reader interested.
